Unanet GovCon Cloud FAQs

Q: Which Client does Mosaic sync from Unanet GovCon?

A: Unanet GovCon includes project-level Organizations such as Project Organization and Owning Organization. By default, Mosaic syncs the Unanet GovCon Project Organization to the Project Client on Mosaic.

Q: How does Mosaic map Unanet GovCon Project Statuses?

By default, Mosaic maps the Unanet GovCon Project Status in the following way:

Unanet GovCon Project StatusMosaic Project Status
Custom StatusActive (user-configurable)
  • Options for mapping Custom Project Statuses include:
    • Proposal
    • Active
    • Hold
    • Complete

Q: How does Mosaic map Unanet GovCon Phase Statuses?

By default, Mosaic maps the Unanet GovCon Task (Mosaic Phase) Active in the following way:

Unanet GovCon Phase ActiveMosaic Phase Status
InactiveNot Started (user-configurable)
  • Options for mapping Inactive Phases include:
    • Not Started
    • Active
    • Hold
    • Complete

How does Mosaic map Unanet GovCon Project Billing Type with Mosaic Budget With Field?

Mosaic maps the following Unanet GovCon Billing Types to the Budget With options:

  • Billing Type: Fixed Price (FP) and Time and Materials (TM)
    • Mapping for FP:
      • Budget With = Use Entered Budget
    • Mapping for TM:
      • Budget With = Total Spent + Planned Time