Integrated Data

Integrated Data Types

By integrating your Vista On-Premise data with Mosaic, you will be able to import the following:

  • Employees
  • Clients
  • Projects
  • Phases
  • Time Entries
  • Bill Rates

As Mosaic works on adding more data points to our integration with Vista On-Premise, this list may change. When a new feature is added to Mosaic, you can expect your Customer Success Manager to reach out requesting access to your server to update your replication.

Integrated Data Fields

Data Sources

Vista Data TypesMosaic Data Types
Payroll Module β†’ PR Employees

- Name
- Email

- Name
- Email
Accounts Receivable β†’ Customer Master

- Name

- Title
Job Cost β†’ Job Master

- Description

- Job Total

- Customer

- JobJob Cost β†’ Job Phases

- Description

- Phase

- Phase Total

- Contract

- Title

- Fee

- Client

- Project NumberPhases

- Title

- Phase Number

- Fee

- Project Number
Job Cost β†’ Cost Detail

- Date
- Hours
- Job
- Phase
- Description
- Employee
Time Entry

- Date
- Hours
- Project
- Phase
- Description
- Employee

Mosaic is constantly working on adding more features to our integrations; you can expect additional data points to be added to your integration in the near future!


Please Note:

Mosaic only syncs posted time entries from Vista.

Unsupported Data Sources

  • Changing field names in Mosaic to match custom labelling in Vista
  • Integrating Data Types that are not explicitly listed in the Vista Integration Documentation


Please Note:

If there is a data endpoint not listed in this documentation and it is required for your integration, it will be a customization, charged at an hourly rate.

Extended Data Fields

Replicated Data

Mosaic replicates a subset of the data tables that are available in Vista On-Premise. The following tables will be included in your replication:

Table NameUse in Mosaic
JCJMProject integration
JCCMProject integration
JCJPPhase integration
JCCPPhase integration
JCCDTime Entry integration
ARCMClient integration
PREHEmployee integration
JCRDBill Rate integration*
JCRTBill Rate integration*


*Data Import for Bill Rate Integration:

The tables used in Bill Rate integration (JCRD and JCRT) do not have a primary key in the Vista database. This means the data must be exported and provided to Mosaic for manual import into the database. This process will need to be repeated each time you want to refresh the data.

Alternatively, you can add a Primary Key to these table or replicate this table with a Primary Key following these instructions.

For more information on what these tables contain, you can reference the Vista by Viewpoint Product Help documentation.