Integrated Data

Integrated Data Types

By integrating your Deltek Costpoint Cloud data with Mosaic, you will be able to import the following:

  • Employees
  • Clients
  • Projects, Phases
    • Profit Center (Costpoint Organizations)
  • Departments (Costpoint Organizations)
  • Time Entries
  • Bill Rates

Mosaic is constantly working on adding more features to our integrations; you can expect additional data points to be added to your integration in the near future!

If new features require additional permissions, your Customer Success Manager will reach out to request that they be added to the role you have assigned to the Mosaic user.

Integrated Data Fields

Data Sources

Costpoint Data TypesMosaic Data Types
People → Employee → Basic Employee Information

- First Name
- Last Name
- Work Email
- Detail Job Title

- Name
- Email
- Title
Projects → Project Setup → Project Master

- Project Name (Level 1)

- Title
Projects → Project Setup → Project Master

- Project Name (Project: Level 2, Phase: Level 3, Subphase: Level 4)
- Funding Modification Value
- Project Name (Client)
- Start Date
- End Date
- Task Value
- Organization
Project, Phase

- Title
- Fee
- Client (Projects only)
- Start Date (Phases only)
- End Date (Phases only)
- Phase Budgeted Hours
- Profit Center
Time & Expense → Time → Timesheets

- Project
- Phase
- Date
- Employee
- Hours
- Billable
- Bill RateTime Entries Synchronization in Mosaic:

By default, time entries synchronized to Mosaic include only time entries with Approved status.

Should you prefer to synchronize all time entries from Costpoint, please contact your Customer Success Manager for assistance.
Time Entry

- Project
- Phase
- Date
- Employee
- Hours
- Billable
- Rate
Accounting → General Ledger → Organizations

- Code
- Name

- Name
Projects → Project Setup → Project Labor → Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects

- PLC Description
- Rate
- Starting Date
- Ending Date
Rate Group

- Role
- Rate
- Start Date
- End Date

Unsupported Data Sources

  • Changing field names in Mosaic to match custom labelling in Costpoint
  • Integrating Data Types that are not explicitly listed in the Costpoint Integration Documentation


Please Note:

If there is a data endpoint not listed in this documentation and it is required for your integration, it will be a customization, charged at an hourly rate. For more information, please see Integration Requests.