Integrations Troubleshooting

Common Auto Sync Issues

Phases Not Auto Syncing

Issues may arise preventing Phases from syncing between your integrated application and Mosaic. Below are common scenarios and resolutions:

Subphases Not Enabled with More Than 1 Level of Phases

  • Mosaic defaults to a single level of Phase and Work Category. Enabling Subphases allows up to 10 levels of phases for import. If you have existing integrations with work categories, contact your Customer Success Manager to convert Work Categories to Subphases in Mosaic.

Duplicate Phase Name + Phase Number Combinations

  • Mosaic requires unique Phase Name and Phase Number combinations. If you have duplicate combinations under the same parent phase, Mosaic will auto-increment them. To resolve duplicates manually, modify them in your Integrated Application.

Time Entries Not Auto Syncing

Several factors may hinder Time Entries from syncing between your integrated application and Mosaic. Consider the following:

1. Project / Phase / Member / Work Category Not Linked

  • Mosaic syncs time entries only if:
    • The Project is linked.
    • The Phase is linked.
    • The Member is linked.
    • The Work Category is linked (if applicable).
  • For additional details, refer to Troubleshooting Time Entries.

2. For QuickBooks Desktop Customers: Mosaic <> QuickBooks Web Connector Sync Issues

  • To sync time entries, Mosaic requires an active connection with the Mosaic Web Connector.
  • For guidance on resolving Mosaic Web Connector Issues, please consult QuickBooks Desktop Best Practices.

3. Project without Phases Does not have Main Project Phase enabled

Missing Data for Import

For missing data in the Integrations page for importing into Mosaic, follow the troubleshooting guides below:

Missing Archived Projects for Import

  1. Navigate to Org Settings > Integrations > Projects.
  2. Under the Unlinked tab, click on the Hide Archived dropdown and select Show Archived.

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
  2. Click on Show # Archived Projects and search for the missing Projects.

Missing Archived Members for Import

  1. Navigate to Org Settings > Integrations > Members.
  2. Click on the Hide Archived dropdown and select Show Archived.
  3. Search for the missing Members.

Data Discrepancies

Project or Phase Fee Discrepancy

Project or Phase Fees synced from Integrations follow a default field mapping. Some Integrations offer alternative field mappings for Project or Phase Fees.

For more details on both default and alternative field mappings for Project or Phase Fees, please refer to the respective Integration's Integrated Data Types pages.

Quick Links:

Spent Time Discrepancy

Spent time on Mosaic is calculated based on the total of spent dollars from all time entries, whether synced from the integration or created directly in Mosaic.

For missing time entries, please check the troubleshooting time entries section.