Integrated Data
Integrated Data Types
By integrating your Ajera on-premise data with Mosaic, you will be able to import the following:
- Employees
- Clients
- Projects
- Phases
- Time Entries
- Work Categories
Mosaic is constantly working on adding more features to our integrations; you can expect additional data points to be added to your integration in the near future!
Integrated Data Fields
Data Sources
Ajera On-Premise Data Types | Mosaic Data Types |
Employees - Name - Title | Employees - Name - Title |
Clients - Name | Clients - Title |
Project and Phases - Description - Fee - Client (Projects only) - Start Date (Fallback: Estimated Start Date) - Completion Date (Fallback: Estimated Completion Date) | Project, Phases and Work Categories - Title - Fee - Client (Projects only) - Start Date - End Date |
Timesheets - Date - Hours - Employee - Project - Phase - Activity - Notes - Billable - Rate | Time Entries - Date - Hours - Employee - Project - Phase - Work Category - Description - Billable - Rate |
Activities - Title - Number | Work Categories - Title - Number |
Unsupported Data Sources
- Changing field names in Mosaic to match custom labels in your ERP.
- Integrating data types that aren’t listed in the integration documentation.
If you need a data source or endpoint that isn’t listed in the documentation, it will be considered a customization and charged at an hourly rate.
Extended Data Fields
Replicated Data
Mosaic replicates a subset of the data tables that are available in Ajera on-premise. The following tables will be included in your replication:
Table Name | Fields | Usage in Mosaic |
AxActivity | actKey actDescription actType | Time Entry integration |
AxCompany | cmpKey cmpDescription | Project integration |
AxEntity | eKey eDescription eOverheadPercent | Project integration |
AxInvoiceGroup | igKey igClient igProject | Project/Client integration |
AxProject | prjKey prjStatus prjOrder prjDescription prjID prjProjectType prjProjectManager prjPrincipalInCharge prjMarketingContact prjLocation prjEstimatedStartDate prjEstimatedCompletionDate prjActualStartDate prjActualCompletionDate prjApplySalesTax prjSalesTaxCode prjSalesTaxRate prjHoursCostBudget prjLaborCostBudget prjExpenseCostBudget prjConsultantCostBudget prjBillingType prjRateTable prjTotalContractAmount prjLaborContractAmount prjExpenseContractAmount prjConsultantContractAmount prjBillLaborAsTE prjBillExpenseAsTE prjBillConsultantAsTE prjConstructionCost prjPercentOfConstructionCost prjBillingDescription prjNotes prjEntity prjIsCertified prjInvoiceGroup prjSummarizeBillingGroup prjPercentDistribution prjProject prjPhaseLevel1 prjPhaseLevel2 prjPhaseLevel3 prjPhaseLevel4 prjPhaseLevel5 prjPhaseLevel6 prjFinalBudget prjLockFee prjLaborCostRate prjLaborFeeRate prjRequireTimeSheetNotes prjState prjLocalTax prjCompany prjTimeEntryRestriction prjLastModifiedDate prjLaborEntry prjExpenseConsultantEntry | Project integration |
AxProjectType | ptKey ptDescription | Project integration |
AxTransaction | tKey tOriginalTransaction tType tBeginningBalanceType tDate tProject tEmployee tActivity tActivityType tTimesheet tRow tStatus tUnits tCostRate tEarnedRate tEarnedAmount tBilledUnits tBilledRate tBilledAmount tNotes tIsDeleted tIsCurrent | Time Entry integration |
AxVEC | vecKey vecStatus vecEmail vecIsEmployee vecFirstName vecMiddleName vecLastName vecTitle vecDateHired vecDescription vecIsClient vecLastModifiedDate | Employee integration |
As Mosaic works on adding more data points to our integration with Deltek Ajera on-premise, this list may change. When a new feature is added to Mosaic, you can expect your Customer Success Manager to reach out requesting access to your server to update your replication.
Updated 6 months ago