QuickBooks FAQs

General QuickBooks FAQs

Q: Does Mosaic sync updates to time entries?

  • Yes, Mosaic will sync updates to time entries that happen either in QuickBooks, or in Mosaic.
  • Mosaic will not update time entries in QuickBooks if they have been added to an invoice or if the books are closed.


Please Note:

  • If you want to update a time entry on QuickBooks that is already associated with an invoice, you must:
  1. Remove that time entry from the invoice
  2. Let the data sync into QuickBooks from Mosaic
  3. Re-add that time entry to your invoice
  • If you want to update a time entry on QuickBooks in a period where your books are closed, you must:
  1. Reopen your books for that period
  2. Let the data sync into QuickBooks from Mosaic
  3. Close the books again if you wish

Q: Do I need to approve time entries for them to sync?

  • No, Mosaic syncs time entries to and from QuickBooks regardless of their approval status.

Q: How can I integrate QuickBooks phases into Mosaic?

QuickBooks supports up to 4 levels of phases for a project (5 levels of QuickBooks Customers).

Legacy QuickBooks Integrations

  • Legacy QuickBooks integrations (connected prior to December 2023) on Mosaic only supports 2 levels of QuickBooks phases, following this project structure:
    • Client (QuickBooks Customer)
      • Project (QuickBooks Sub-Customer/Job)
        • Phase (QuickBooks Sub-Sub-Customer/Sub-Job)
          • Work Category (QuickBooks Sub-Sub-Sub-Customer/Sub-Sub-Job)
  • OR
    • Project (QuickBooks Customer)
      • Phase (QuickBooks Sub-Customer/Job)
        • Work Category (QuickBooks Sub-Sub-Customer/Sub-Job)
  • If you are interested in turning on Subphases to integrate the lowest level of phases (QuickBooks Sub-Customers) from QuickBooks, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.
  • If you use up to 4 levels of phases (5 levels of QuickBooks Customers) for project planning, you should consider using subphases.

New QuickBooks Integrations

  • New QuickBooks integrations on Mosaic (connected after December 2023) are designed to automatically support up to 4 levels of QuickBooks phases.

QuickBooks Integration with Subphases Enabled

  • After enabling Subphases, Mosaic will be able to accommodate the following project structure:
    • Client (QuickBooks Customer)
      • Project (QuickBooks Sub-Customer/Job)
        • Phase (QuickBooks Sub-Sub-Customer/Sub-Job)
          • Subphase (QuickBooks Sub-Sub-Sub-Customer/Sub-Sub-Job)
            • Subphase (QuickBooks Sub-Sub-Sub-Sub-Customer/Sub-Sub-Sub-Job)
  • OR
    • Project (QuickBooks Customer)
      • Phase (QuickBooks Sub-Customer/Job)
        • Subphase (QuickBooks Sub-Sub-Customer/Sub-Job)
          • Subphase (QuickBooks Sub-Sub-Sub-Customer/Sub-Sub-Job)
            • Subphase (QuickBooks Sub-Sub-Sub-Sub-Customer/Sub-Sub-Sub-Job)\


Converting between Client and Project on Mosaic

To promote and demote a QuickBooks Customer on Mosaic, please refer to these instructions.

Q: Do I need to create phases for my Mosaic projects if I'm expecting to see time entries organized by my service items on QuickBooks?

  • No, you should not create phases on Mosaic. Your time entries will be organized into a work category corresponding to your service item.
  • You should also not create phases on Mosaic if your project does not have any sub-sub-customers/phases on QuickBooks and your time entries are coming from QuickBooks to Mosaic.

Q: I have moved my time entries to a new project on Mosaic, why am I still seeing time entries in the old project on QuickBooks?

  • For time to move out of QuickBooks you need to have the internal (Mosaic) project also linked with a project on QuickBooks. Mosaic does not delete time entries on QuickBooks if the new project is not linked.