Integrated Data

Integrated Data Types

By integrating your QuickBooks Desktop data with Mosaic, you will be able to import the following:

  • Employees
  • Projects (QB Customers)
  • Phases (QB Customers)
  • Work Categories (QB Service Items)
  • Time Entries
  • Clients (QB Customers)

Integrated Data Fields

Data Sources

QuickBooks Desktop Data TypesMosaic Data Types

- Name
- Email

- Name
- Email

- Company Name

- Title
Sub-Customers / Jobs

- Display Name
- Client

- Title
- Client
Sub-sub-Customers / Sub-Jobs

- Display Name

- Title
Items (Service type)

- Name
Work Categories

- Title

- Date
- Hours
- Customer
- Job
- Sub-Job
- Service Item
- Notes
- Billable
- Rate
Time Entries

- Date
- Hours
- Account
- Project
- Phase
- Work Category
- Description
- Billable
- Rate


Payroll for QuickBooks:

If you are using Payroll for QuickBooks, reach out to your Customer Success Manager for guidance on syncing time from Mosaic into QuickBooks.

Currently, Mosaic only supports Payroll Item <> Service Item mapping.

Unsupported Data Sources and Configurations

The following scenarios are not supported:

  • Sending Time Entries to QuickBooks Desktop instances that regularly have backups restored over the Company File integrated with QuickBooks Web Connector.
  • Installing the QuickBooks Web Connector on personal machines (QuickBooks Desktop Integration).
  • Installing QuickBooks Web Connector on a machine only accessible by an IT provider (not recommended).
  • Installing QuickBooks Web Connector on a machine that is regularly powered off or logged out of Windows.
  • Configuring QuickBooks Web Connector to use a QuickBooks account that is shared with another user.
  • Moving the Company File to a new location after integrating with Mosaic.


Please Note:

If there is a data endpoint not listed in this documentation and it is required for your integration, it will be a customization, charged at an hourly rate.